Position:home>Property Case>Nanjing sharp edge still apartment car top price amounts to 420 thousand owner n
Nanjing sharp edge still apartment car top price amounts to 420 thousand owner n
From;  Author:Stand originally
Nanjing sharp edge still apartment car top price amounts to 420 thousand owner not to wish to buy cause conflict Nanjing sharp edge still apartment is located in next closing by park of Ou Xiaotao garden, with Qin Huai river and bright city wall borders, element has Nanjing advocate city the first a person of extraordinary powers curtilage say. But be such residence,performed owner to drive one after another however the incident that blocks the door up, the reason depends on a village allowing to was not bought without property right car owner drive car is entered, and every car differ because of the position, price is in 275 thousand - 420 thousand yuan between, spent the tall vehicle with millions of such to price however owner that bought a house not less