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Leidory10 times focus binoculars
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Lei De Leidory10 times focus binoculars (brand-new)

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LEIDORY10 × 50 focus binoculars

Focus binoculars, what do not need to undertake any adjustment see is clear.

The adjustment of the axis in needing and ocular, need those who adjust is two lens bucket exclusively to be the same as a circle

Standard 10 times

50mm of field lens caliber

Exceed extensive role design

Because be in,be opposite through nicety anxious, the focus inside all limits is absolutely and clear, suit to break out incident and emergency observation especially, beardless again focus. Agree with all vision are normal (include to wear glasses) crowd. Solid defend for safety essential thing.

Contact: Yun Moxian of the Kingdom of Wei gives birth to fourth gentleman
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Phone: 0311-86650971
Address: Shijiazhuang city builds Beijing University market 3 areas of edifice of 228 the East China Sea 101 rooms, 203 rooms
E-mail: Chinawuye@126.com